Augmented Reality Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement with Augmented Reality

Dr. Kassab in the news

Dr. Kassab is the first and only doctor performing AR knee replacement in Michigan

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Patient Success Stories

Gayle 2 weeks after AR knee replacement

Gale sees big difference with new AR knee


Robin 10 days after AR knee replacement

Gale 2 weeks after AR knee replacment

Anthony 2 weeks after right AR knee replacement and 5 months after left AP knee repalcement

Knee replacement with augmented reality offers a more precise, less invasive knee replacement with a quicker recovery. 

Dr. Kassab is the only surgeon in Michigan doing knee replacement with this ground breaking technology. Knee replacement with augmented reality allows for a more precise knee replacement. It is less invasive and can result in a quicker recovery for the patient. A properly placed knee replacement may also last longer. 

Knee Replacement with Augmented Reality

Less Invasive

Quicker Recovery

More Precise

Better Outcomes